Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Chillin' in the Snow

My new life includes snowy vacations, reports Na'ilah.

We drive from California to Colorado, stopping on the way to visit my friends at Dinosaur Tracks near Tuba City in the Navajo Nation.

Once we arrive, there's a lot of romping in the snow.  

My friend Stormy, the Corgi, has a double coat of fur and is better equipped for the snow.

But I do okay as long as 
1) I keep moving or
2) the sun's out!

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Fashion Challenged

In Colorado Na'ilah was cold, especially after the sun set or on cloudy days.

Rhodesian ridgebacks were bred in southern Africa, where they helped to hunt lions.  Lying in the sun is their preferred lifestyle between hunts.

I checked out the prices of dog snow jackets in Telluride and decided to pass for this year.

Instead, I tried to secure a blanket around Na'ilah with safety pins.

Not too stylish, and not secure either.